Month: April 2016


I would love to stop having dreams that entities are attacking me in my sleep, especially because it takes me forever to realize I’m still sleeping. Meanwhile the biting, choking, etc feels so real that I’m surprised to wake up without any marks.

Though, not as surprised as I am when I do.


Black Hole (not the Sun)

“If determinism — the predictability of the universe — breaks down in black holes, it could break down in other situations. Even worse, if determinism breaks down, we can’t be sure of our past history either. The history books and our memories could just be illusions,” said anyone who’s taken psychedelics, ever.

Just kidding, that quote is from Stephen Hawking!

“Black holes are stranger than anything dreamed up by science fiction writers, but they are clearly matters of science fact,” Hawking said.

Posted by Harvard University on Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hand Love, or something

So I had my palms read on Saturday, and the person doing it made a point to mention my libido *four* times and then tell me I needed a lot more “love.”

If you are ever looking for a way to render me speechless and turn me beet red in public, this is the way.

Shaming the victims

Abuse at the hands of someone who was admired and respected, and of course, the response from dirtbags is that it’s just a money grab and a shot at five minutes of fame.

Ask yourself what a middle aged man would think he’d gain by telling of abuse that took place 35 years earlier, especially when naming a legendary figure in the hip hop community. He knew he people would call him a liar (and worse) and ostracize him.

He has nothing to gain by doing this except having his voice heard and possibly preventing it from happening to someone else. Can you imagine how much fear, humiliation and shame someone would have to face to decide to let the whole world know they were abused? Even moreso than when a woman comes forward — I think as a culture we look at a male victim differently after learning this part of his past. Society (and I think particularly hip hop culture) punishes men as being weak for allowing another male to victimize him, even when the victim was just a defenseless child at the time.

I wish there weren’t more stories to be told, but I hope more keep being made public. Sexual abuse of children and teens is so common in this country, and we just look the other way. We create an environment where one does not feel safe enough to tell anyone. As a culture, we willingly protect accused abusers when we insinuate the victim is just looking for attention or money. Guess what, rich people, famous people, respected people are guilty of child molestation too.

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