I’ve taken tomorrow off work and am excited to have two three day weekends in a row. Luxurious.  I spent much of the night tonight putting up photographs on the walls.  Now most of my bedroom walls, all of my hallway, and part of my living room are covered in art and memories.  I’ve been enjoying looking around my bedroom and seeing glimpses of Granada, Paris, Gibraltar, Glastonbury, Barcelona, and other places I’ve visited and loved.  The colors are soothing and just sitting among it makes me want to TRY to do something creative myself.

With that said, I’m still struggling to figure out where to begin. I have been thinking back to what I actually liked to do as a kid.  I had limited resources but I had dolls and plenty of fabric scraps left over from mom’s and my own sewing.  So I made doll clothes.  Since I’m having trouble getting started on other things, I thought perhaps I will do that. It’s something small enough that I could do some things in bed in front of the TV.

I talked with Andrea a bit tonight about intuitive work and how it links back in to creativity too.  It helped to clarify for me that I do want to register for witch school after all. Eek.