Month: October 2016

Ghosts of Series Past

Oh my god. I just felt a chill go down my spine as I realized that the last time they were in a World Series was when my dad died. He’d gone out to celebrate the Series being tied at 2-2  and never came back.

As soon as I had that thought, it almost felt like he was with me, and I’m so not okay with that.

When people can’t talk politics without religion

So a family member (who has not yet learned to NOT bring up politics with me) actually said to me this morning, if God can use someone as “evil as Pilate” to work his will, then God can use Trump.

a) Pilate was kind of a patsy.

b) It’s been well researched that the whole “pardoning a prisoner for Passover” was not actually something that was done.

c) The whole backstory leading up to crucifixion was likely fabricated by The Church to spread anti-Seminitism by blaming the Jews, as a whole, for Jesus’s death.  Not the Romans.  You know, The Church.

d) The vast majority of the world’s population doesn’t believe this stuff anyway.

e) Why do Christians insist on making the rest of us part of their apocalyptic fantasies?

f) It’s probably because they think they’re going to fly into the sky anyway and leave us sinners to suffer the consequences of their actions. (To this I say “Get raptured” with a tone that conveys “Get fucked“).

g) Seriously, I hope they’re right. I can’t wait. I’m thinking– less traffic, more available housing,…

h) But in the mean time, thank you for your dedication to Christ-like behavior. He would be super stoked on your bigotry, sexism, blatant disregard for the poor and downtrodden, mocking of the disabled, and blind hatred of people with different religious beliefs. If you say you don’t believe in these things, maybe you should reconsider aligning yourself with the person who does.

i) “God” isn’t making this happen. You are.


As I do more and more energy work, it’s clear to me that pain is intimately connected with a sedentary lifestyle. I’m not saying that being very active means no pain, because I’m not even close to being there yet.

But I do know that when I work on moving energy in dark, impacted, or pinched areas, or when the gray “soot” leaves me, something in my body relaxes. Sometimes it’s deep inside my body, sometimes on the surface. The fascia resists and then suddenly glides, and tendon and ligament and muscle and vessels and nerves underneath all suddenly relax.

Being “active” is not sufficient. It needs to be something where you stretch every bit of your body in every way possible. No wonder yoga lifts the spirits as well as making your body feel better. Even just wiggling your spine, pelvis, hip joints, shoulder joints, ribs, neck around. I’m convinced that even just massaging your own armpits for a couple of minutes a day would immediately have an impact on pain, but also a gradual impact on general health.

I’m really happy to see that it can be done with the mind, or at least, with energy clearing. It’s not as efficient when used as an alternative to movement, versus a companion to movement, but that makes me really hopeful for those who have limited mobility.

Exactly like that

“So it’s rigged if Hillary wins, but not rigged if Trump wins?” Harkin asked a supporter.

“Exactly,” he replied.

“Isn’t that like saying just any woman who didn’t want to date you was a lesbian?” she said.




In case people don’t think I’m crazy yet

It has been so strange to start my adult life as an agnostic, even an atheist, and in looking at major religions, knowing that all man-made religions are wrong,… and yet end up being surer than ever that there is a higher power, a source that has connected everything that ever was and ever will be.

That is not to say that our religious icons did not, do not, exist. Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, Mohammad, all of them are very real. They just didn’t ask or need to be worshipped (though they deserve our respect). We’re the ones who created the cults and wrote the books saying they did. Their intention was, and still is, to help. To help elevate us. To help us let go of anger and hate and pain and shame and all of the things and beliefs and feelings that distance us from this source of pure love. They offer help whether or not you “believe in” them.

(I’m sure there are beings out there that do want to be worshipped – to me, that’s a sign for me to stay away. But it occurs to me that most religions focus on an icon that doesn’t need your worship. It is the authorities within those religions who benefit from it).

I’m left with really mixed feelings about organized religions. Buddhism is, to me, the one that has retained the most purity of message and intent, but like anything left in the hands of humans for thousands of years, it’s gone a bit off course too. And don’t get me started on the Abrahamic religions whose very intent is to divide us rather than to bring us together, to foster intolerance rather than love, by making non-believers the enemy and insisting there is only one path to the truth (One that you will not find following their faiths) and that everyone else is going to “hell.”

I’m trying to see that they serve a purpose, that despite the harm some of them cause, they still intend to bring people closer to that universal consciousness, that “holy spirit.” That many people in our modern world would not find that connection without the structure of religion and the familiarity of a paternal god figure. And that in addition to causing harm, it can help those who have become cut off from the divine.

I guess the point of my ramble is, for those of you who are disenchanted with the religion(s) you have tried, or who have viewed religion as a fraud… if despite this you still feel any faith that there is something greater at work in the universes, please do not give up. Please do not think that you need to have a church, or an intermediary, or even a particular belief system. You have direct access to Spirit because it’s already part of you. If everyone was could find that connection, our world could surpass any idea of “heaven” you’ve ever had.

Probably pretty accurate?

Just remembered my weird dream from Monday night. I was stuck in a (very luxurious) penthouse suite with Kanye and Kim Kardashian. Kim was actually really nice and made Belgian waffles that turned out to be delicious. She kept making more and kept insisting I eat more. Kanye was in the pool (there was a pool) and kept pissing in the pool and telling everyone he was pissing in the pool then threw a fit when no one would join him.

Made of stars

So I’ve been practicing energy work on myself for a little more than a year now, experimenting with different techniques but mostly just trying to intuit it.

For a variety of reasons, my chakras were so clogged, dark energy everywhere, in some places so thick that the area looks black rather than the color of that chakra’s (normal) vibration, as well as lots of things embedded in them, knotted spots, caged off areas, and even gaping holes. Lots of very deep-seated traumas and fears and a minefield of painful memories.

Over time, it has really almost started to freak me out how directly these wounds correspond to physical ailments, especially bodily pain. Clear some of this gunk and you literally feel a muscle or tendon or something relax, usually from someplace deep inside your flesh. I notice it most really close to bones – along my spine, my neck, shoulders, hipbones.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this openly, but I was tentatively diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year, after years of trying to figure out what was going on. So many tests, medications, chiropractic adjustments, so much physical therapy and acupuncture. It always helped but seemed to just be holding the problem at bay, keeping the symptoms from getting worse but rarely actually feeling better. It takes so much energy and time and money just to maintain the relatively poor level of health I am feeling, to maintain hope that it won’t decline any more.

I’ve been doing a lot of work lately, especially psychological and energetic, and that blackness is no longer pervasive. The colors are muted and covered with soot and film, but they aren’t hidden anymore. They are opening up again. Tonight for the first time, a few small spots were able to get so clear that I saw the true color of those chakras, how bright they are. I immediately thought

“My god! It’s full of stars.”

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