Month: September 2016

Forbidden fruit

I think this is really relevant to a lot of our lives right now. It’s a good time for letting go of what doesn’t serve us.

So, this happened (I have witnesses)

Uh. So… A bunch of strangers just sang “Happy Birthday” to me in a bar, and it turns out they are firefighters, staying in my hotel for a firefighters convention. Aaaaand they gave me their room numbers and let me know they have their “suspenders” with them.  (This can’t be possibly how they refer to their uniforms?)

My coworkers, who are present, are kind of upset with me for not acting upon this immediately.

Possibly selfies later.

It actually had bones

When you find yourself in small town New England and there is a sushi place with GREAT reviews, but to get there, you have to drive for 30 minutes on a country road to the middle of nowhere, take that as a sign that nothing good in this country involves driving further in-land.

This is why they all eat at chains, isn’t it?  Better homogenous and expectedly bland food than kinda “off” nigiri full of crunchy little bones.

Point made, universe….

Made the mistake of thinking “it can’t worse” lately regarding “life.”  😐

Unpeeling the apple

Oh man. I just tried my first kiwi without removing the skin. Oh MAN, I feel like I grew up someplace where they always peeled apples and I’d never known the feeling of the first bite into unpeeled apple…


(Mostly just kiwis no longer turning to mush in my fridge while I’m being too lazy/undexterous to peel them).

Guess you don’t win if you don’t play?

My competence level compared to my peers at the same job is kind of depressing. Does anyone have challenging job for me? Realizing I hate my jobs when they’re too easy.

Also last night I dreamed that I played the lotto and the numbers I picked won the jackpot!… except that I had only written them down and neglected to actually go get the ticket. The rest of my dream was me sulking that I had to keep going to the job I hate….

That Presidential Look

“if there is one sort of content that women need more of, it is an article about how to look a certain way. So here is a quick guide to getting That Presidential Look.”

Holy shit, was Nixon really one of our only relatively normal looking presidents?

I like to pet nice things with my fingers

My therapist suggested an ’emotional support stuffed animal’, since I’m allergic to cats and too irresponsible for a dog. I thought, “I am not 5,” and reluctantly ordered one from Amazon.

You guys, it’s sooooooo soft.. I’ve already regressed to talking to it in baby/pet voices. I’m equal parts embarrassed and elated.

(We’re all Lennie deep down, aren’t we?)

What a difference a day (or few) makes

It’s amazing how a little (well, a lot) of meditation, contemplation, encouragement, and sympathy can shed some light into the darkness that is my mind these days. Thanks frenz.

Last week was “I’m done, the fight isn’t worth it, how could I die without hurting all the people I love?”

This week: “I’m much, much braver, stronger and more resilient than I had believed was possible.”

I hope it lasts. 

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