Category: Health (page 1 of 2)

Fertilizer (or, why we’re up to our necks in shit)

I’ve found a weird calmness recently about the stuff going on in this country (this world). There is such awfulness, but also so very many absolutely amazing, brave, and strong people. Remember that there are more of you than there are of them. And that what’s going on is forcing so many more to take a step back and consider whether what’s going on aligns with their values. And so our numbers grow. I am willing to believe that we’re seeing the birthing pains of a much better world. Age of Pisces is on its way out, but clinging for dear life.

Had an amazing conversation yesterday about the concept of “psychopomps” or grim reapers. Our culture is afraid of death and sees these constructs as something to be feared. In older cultures, they understood death was part of the natural cycle of things. The death and decay of winter is needed to enrich the soil of the spring sprouts.

A culture terrified of dying is refusing to just die off already. The healer we were talking to commented that people now “take so long to die.” Meaning when someone’s time is inevitable, that they cling to the last breaths of their lives and struggle to keep their hearts beating, with no other result than prolonging their suffering. As a world, we’re so spiritually disconnected that we don’t understand death is a release and relief when your body can not longer support life. This age of people and cultures who are terrified of dying, of course is hanging on for dear life and the death throes are grotesque. But I am certain this conflict is clearing the way for something better.


As I do more and more energy work, it’s clear to me that pain is intimately connected with a sedentary lifestyle. I’m not saying that being very active means no pain, because I’m not even close to being there yet.

But I do know that when I work on moving energy in dark, impacted, or pinched areas, or when the gray “soot” leaves me, something in my body relaxes. Sometimes it’s deep inside my body, sometimes on the surface. The fascia resists and then suddenly glides, and tendon and ligament and muscle and vessels and nerves underneath all suddenly relax.

Being “active” is not sufficient. It needs to be something where you stretch every bit of your body in every way possible. No wonder yoga lifts the spirits as well as making your body feel better. Even just wiggling your spine, pelvis, hip joints, shoulder joints, ribs, neck around. I’m convinced that even just massaging your own armpits for a couple of minutes a day would immediately have an impact on pain, but also a gradual impact on general health.

I’m really happy to see that it can be done with the mind, or at least, with energy clearing. It’s not as efficient when used as an alternative to movement, versus a companion to movement, but that makes me really hopeful for those who have limited mobility.

Made of stars

So I’ve been practicing energy work on myself for a little more than a year now, experimenting with different techniques but mostly just trying to intuit it.

For a variety of reasons, my chakras were so clogged, dark energy everywhere, in some places so thick that the area looks black rather than the color of that chakra’s (normal) vibration, as well as lots of things embedded in them, knotted spots, caged off areas, and even gaping holes. Lots of very deep-seated traumas and fears and a minefield of painful memories.

Over time, it has really almost started to freak me out how directly these wounds correspond to physical ailments, especially bodily pain. Clear some of this gunk and you literally feel a muscle or tendon or something relax, usually from someplace deep inside your flesh. I notice it most really close to bones – along my spine, my neck, shoulders, hipbones.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this openly, but I was tentatively diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year, after years of trying to figure out what was going on. So many tests, medications, chiropractic adjustments, so much physical therapy and acupuncture. It always helped but seemed to just be holding the problem at bay, keeping the symptoms from getting worse but rarely actually feeling better. It takes so much energy and time and money just to maintain the relatively poor level of health I am feeling, to maintain hope that it won’t decline any more.

I’ve been doing a lot of work lately, especially psychological and energetic, and that blackness is no longer pervasive. The colors are muted and covered with soot and film, but they aren’t hidden anymore. They are opening up again. Tonight for the first time, a few small spots were able to get so clear that I saw the true color of those chakras, how bright they are. I immediately thought

“My god! It’s full of stars.”

Come on, chemicals…

It seems like every time I go to a doctor, I end up with yet another prescription. Chronic illness sucks.

When you’re easy prey

I’ve been napping on and off today, as well as going into my body and trying to release what knots and tension I can.  Thinking a lot as well.

On Friday, I had a second session with someone named Atsuko at a locally well known shop that facilitates sessions with readers and healers. I’m still not sure what to make of her.  She called me out for “testing her,” when really the problem is that I don’t trust her.  She’s told me a lot of information, so much that it feels like she is trying to impress with what she can see.  Or exaggerates and embellishes a lot.

I didn’t plan on seeing her again. The first session had seemed like it was going okay, but I lost sense of time (not uncommon for me), and was shocked when she ended and said it had been 90 minutes.  I’d asked for a 30 minute session, and she never indicated or asked she was going to go longer than that.  Reluctantly, I paid for 90 minutes and tried to chalk it up to a lesson learned.  People do seem to assume that I have lots of money to spend and try to find ways to get in on that.  I don’t know why I assumed it might be different with someone who calls themselves a healer.  There was a real mismatch in expectations as I was leaving: I was saying I did not plan on booking another session, while she was still pushing “weekly sessions for several months.” Like she wasn’t even hearing what I was saying.

When I did not schedule another session, she texted and tried to call me… a lot. Every day. For days.  I stopped responding.   I didn’t plan on ever seeing her again. Then she texted me saying she would work on me and just ask for payment at a future point.  Of course I wasn’t going to take her up on that, but her suggestion made me wonder if she legitimately felt she could help and needed to help, or if this was a method of luring people in.  It wasn’t like she suggested a sliding scale or asked what or how often I would consider.  She just suggested she could keep a running tab to be paid off.

I am apparently easily manipulated.  I came back, I asked for a 60 minute session, and she did 120.  And then added 120 minutes to my debt to her.  I am apparently easily manipulated, and it seems worst with people who call theirselves intuitives. Maybe because my vulnerabilities are particularly obvious to them.

Money is apparently a very vulnerable spot for me right now.  Even though I did end up finding another (crappy) job at my company and didn’t end up getting laid off, the threat of being laid off immediately after coming back from medical leave and having multiple current expensive to treat issues really really brought my money fears back into full force.


Addendum: Many months later, I’d read an article about psychic development/maturity versus emotional development/maturity, and this would all make sense.  (Moderate psychic maturity, but low emotional maturity  = someone who shows off psychic gifts and then uses them to take advantage of the people who believe).


I’ve been bargaining with myself all day.  Trying to make it through the work day and all the unpleasant tasks that it held.   Stalling all day.  Trying to avoid all the dull things that must be done today.  I managed to kill a lot of the work day putting up pictures.  Now there are 50+ framed and hanged in the apartment.  It’s starting to look decorated.

I’m still struggling to get started on anything creative, but I figure hanging the pictures is a good start.  More inspiring environment or something like that.   I’m planning on filling my hallway with pictures of friends and the happier pictures from my family — mostly ones of my brothers and me. I’ve been going back and forth on whether I’ll put up any pictures of Dad. Part of me thinks I should do it, after all, he did love me and I did love him and I know he cared about me even though he behaved like a monster.  Part of me thinks I don’t need to have any reminders of him in my home. Part of me thinks the omission of photos of him will act as a reminder, still.  Maybe my grandmother had the right idea of just hanging up pictures of people in their coffins.  (Seriously creepy, right?) Maybe I should just focus on pictures of friends and my siblings in the mean time.

Doctors appointments this week made me get nervous again about my longer term well being.  Sometimes I get really afraid for myself with my weight and health.  I can delude myself and tell myself my health is OK, because my blood sugar, chlosterol, etc have usually been OK, so far.  A little high some years, but not enough for treatment.  But I know that doesn’t last forever.  I think my overeating and weight gain is very related to the abuse and how I handle stress.  It’s complicated — it’s not just a coping mechanism, it’s also intended to sabotage myself, I think?  Let’s put it this way: there have been many times in my life where I consciously was glad that I (think I) am unattractive. I pretended it saved me from danger, or at least hassles.  Sometimes it’s good to feel invisible.  But sometimes it doesn’t feel good. It feels lonely.  I would say I can’t remember the last time I had a relationship, but I can. It was in 2004. Since then, the others have all just been “friends with…” or one time things.

That hits a nerve, to type that out.  It hurts to admit that I am the reason for my own unhappiness. Surely, others contributed, even started it, but I’m the one keeping the house of cards propped up now.


Well, instead of sketching, or paining, or even writing, I ended up sleeping for hours.  At least now, when I fall asleep at an unreasonably early hour, I don’t end up sleeping until morning. I woke up at 3AM feeling well rested and had to read for a while before I could fall back asleep.  That’s an encouraging sign that I don’t actually NEED the 10-12 hours of sleep I had been getting.

I’m continuing to struggle with finding inspiration to start any of the projects I had envisioned.  I’ve collected the pieces for the jewelry, I’ve purchased the paints and canvasses and brushes for painting, I’ve splurged on interestingly covered journals for writing, and I’ve filled my apartment with frames and sheets of matboard.  Yet it all sits untouched.

I used to be able to just draw and draw and draw without even pausing, really.  Inspiration? It was always there. Perhaps most of what I ended up drawing or painting or sewing wasn’t that original, but the ideas never ceased to flow.  I wonder to what extent this is a side effect of my medications.  How much is my personality and mind being suppressed? Not a question I’ll likely find an answer to soon, as normally my doctors’ opinions are to add more medications, not take away.

My mind just feels…. Stuck.  No ideas come out.  No words even, right now.  It just feels like a ball of tangled yarn.

Father’s day is tomorrow.  Normally I don’t post anything of my own, but I like my family members’ posts (without commenting, but still, I acknowledge. And my silence feels like consent).  Not this year.  I resent that I have to be in a position to forgive him for such atrocious actions and such callous attitude towards me. I resent it because I’m not sure he was sorry for his behavior during his life, only worried that he’d be found out.

Sometimes I wonder what things would have been like if I’d been consciously aware of what was going on and had been able to tell someone and stop him.  If he’d gone to jail.  We would have had to move — mom wouldn’t have been able to afford the house on her own. I would have wanted to move.  Not only was that place a source of anxiety and negative memories, there’s no way I would have been able to stand going to school with people who knew what had happened to me.  We would have ended up moving in with my mom’s parents. My grandmother would have been really emotionally and energetically…. Challenging.   I don’t know how I would have survived that either.  Is this really the family I picked?  I can’t imagine consciously deciding I needed to experience these horrible events and that this was the family I needed to have. Perhaps I knew I’d get good siblings out of the arrangement, but that almost doesn’t seem reason enough to have picked this.

A couple of years ago one of my friends said something that immediately felt true (even though I felt guilty too) — that my life would be better, freer, after both parents were gone. He meant this in the sense that I would no longer have to be concerned with appearances, wouldn’t feel obligated to feign interest in religion, and could drift away from extended family. Now I realize it’s not that simple. My siblings are only becoming more and more religious and latching onto the ideas my parents put into their minds, and the legacy of the abuse will outlive my mother.

Why is it such a struggle to put my thoughts down onto “paper”?  Am I that afraid of them? Am I running from my emotions that easily? I guess I am.  I need to admit that I am really down in the dumps again, that I don’t have the motivation to try to fix anything in my life right now, that if given a choice I would just stay in bed all the time.  I don’t know what to do to fix this.  There used to be ideas, activities, for which I’d feel a spark of interest.  That spark is gone.  Everything feels like a chore.  Lately even eating feels like an obligation.  You’d think that would have me losing weight, at least, but the opposite is true.  It feels like I am holding everything in me.

I did a quick tarot reading and pulled two runes today and both referred to having a healthy sex life.  Whaaaat? How is that even possible? I never meet anyone.  I feel very set in my ways of not meeting anyone. I don’t want to end up alone forever, not really, but when I SEE myself in the future I am alone.  What a solitary, lonely life I am leading and am intending to lead.  Do I really believe I don’t deserve to be loved? To be made love to? To make love to someone else? I can’t believe that.  I don’t deserve to be punished for HIS sins.

I am living what he told me I’d live.  Letting no one love me. I know he meant it to be hurtful and never really believed that no one would love me, but I’ve taken that to heart and am living it.  How can I break this cycle? How can I stop poisoning my body and leaving it to rot? How can I be happy with the way I look and feel again? How can I believe that there is someone out there, perhaps many someones, who’d be able to love me?  How can I even approach dating or sex with these memories always in my mind?

What is wrong with me? What is wrong with me? Everything. Nothing. Who knows? I sure as hell don’t.  Why do I feel so broken? Intellectually I don’t really believe I am, but emotionally…. Whew. It’s as if I am living as two different selves.

What a difference a year makes

Geez what a difference a year of focusing on mental state helps. Last year, I bought the hidden vial crucifix like in Cruel Intentions, and now I’m oohing over malas.


The crippling thing about growing up poor

I’ve been saying this for years. It’s the after effects of food insecurity. Not totally unrelated to hoarding and the perception of scarcity.


This is so freaking cool… I’ve gotten to the point where when I close my eyes, after a couple of seconds, I can see my energy/aura/chakras clearly enough to understand where there are problems on my physical body – for example, an area that looks grayish or brownish (or even the occasional spot of black), a spot that looks pinched or twisted, or clogging up against the flow of the rest. Then it can be used as a chart to find a corresponding spot on my body, that when giving the spot a few seconds of myofascial release technique, releases in a way that feels not unlike the joy of unbuttoning your pants after a holiday meal. Works 100% of the time.

Once the really obvious stuff is cleared in a spot, I can see more imperfections, and those tend to be deep in the body, so for those I just touch the spot and focus on releasing it. Those ones can hurt quite a bit – but just for a moment – and afterwards my whole body seems to settle differently. It’s helping so so much with the [sic]mental stuff [wow that was Freudian. I typed medical but got autocorrected. Fair enough Apple, it’s true a lot if my medical stuff is from stress, anxiety, grief, and other stuff that has been going on].

I want to try it on other people soon – right now I have no idea whether it only works on myself or if I could learn to do it for other people, which would be wonderful.

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